Here,we will be showing channel admins on how to increase channel members very fast and cost effective ways tho.
Telegram has become so widely accepted by many and it is believe that over a 100,000,000 users over the world are already using this social media avenue to market their products and services on the internet.Most companies and businesses now solely use the social media means to market their services and products and its absolutely the medium in this 21st century.
Now,lets go straight to the various ways admins can increase telegram members very fast.The following ways have been useful and it is very useful;
1.Through various whatsapp groups:This method is free and cost nothing to promote a telegram group,once you join a group,you can post as many links as you want at a time,people can click on the link to join the telegram group.The only limitation here is that you can be banned by the whatsapp group admin or after a month or more,messages will not deliver easily anymore when posted to groups being that many whatsapp admins have banned your number numerous times.The solution here is,delete whatsapp and re-download
or clear cache/data and re-enter number.
2.Share for share:most channel admins from Kenya majorly do this to help themselves increase channel members and its really a great way to increase channel members.The only problem here is when you advertise a channel in another channel that is not been having a good track record or reputation,members may not want to join because they will think the two channels are same and not trusted.So,before one does share for share,he must make sure the channel is a trusted channel.
3.Paid Adverts:Great channels with over 50k members usually allow paid adverts starting from $40 per week.The problem here is,fine,they will post your link in their channels for the specific number of days but,will members be forced to join the paid link or forced to remain in the new group?I am not sure.
4.Through Telemember or Membersgram:This works for some people but the truth is,it has not work for me either.Here,you will be given coins for each telegram group you join after logging in with your telegram number.You can get 20 members with 80 coins and so on.The other limit here is that they only add that 20 members to a public channel you own and not a private channel.Also,you can use your credit card to buy telegram coins in other to buy members to your public channel.
5.Through Miscellaneous ways ranging from facebook adds,post through blogs and websites also increase telegram members so fast.
We will be publishing some telegram channel links for all to join...
1.On Sports:
Others will be published soon...
Best way to get unlimited Telegram channel and group members free step by step guide 👇
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